CESSAHA - Church of England Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Housing Association

Charity Number: FCA 21222R, HCA L0104

Contact: Marika Stivanello

Address: 1 Shakespeare Terrace, 126 High Street, Old Portsmouth

Postcode: PO1 2RH

Phone: 023 9282 9319

Website: www.cessaha.co.uk

Email: enquiries@cessaha.co.uk 


Summary: Provides sheltered housing for ex-Service personnel and their immediate dependants who are over the age of 60. The charity does not offer nursing or residential care. Sheltered housing is suitable for those able to live independently or with support from non-resident carers, meals-on-wheels, etc.

Note/Restrictions: No minimum length of service; help is given on a needs basis to persons over 60 years of age. Regions of operation are the areas around Portsmouth, with links in Greenwich and Saltash. See also Greenwich Hospital whose sheltered housing is managed by CESSAC/CESSAHA staff, but with slightly different criteria.


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