Lowestoft Fishermen's and Seafarers' Benevolent Society


Charity Number: 66 BEN

Contact: Mr H G Sims FCA

Address: 10 Waveney Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk

Postcode: NR32 1BN

Phone: 01502 565161

Email: lowestoftfpo@tiscali.co.uk


Summary: The Society was established in 1879, its objects being the financial relief of widows, orphans and dependants of fishermen and seamen who may be lost at sea, or who may have died on shore from an accident sustained in pursuit of their calling.

Note/Restrictions: Men must have been crew of vessels registered with the Fund. Immediate relief is granted as soon as a casualty is notified, and this prompt relief is much appreciated as it helps to bridge the gap before ordinary pensions are in order. Widows receive benefits until death or remarriage; children until full-time education is finished. Some special grants are also made.

Merged with the Great Yarmouth Fishermen's Widows and Orphans Fund in 1969.

Affiliated to the Royal Provident Fund for Sea Fishermen (No. 127).

Registered under Friendly Societies Act 1974 No. 66 Ben.


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